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MavensMate for Sublime Text v4.0.0

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.5.2 and v0.38.6


  • Updates GitHub URLs to use

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.5.1 and v0.38.5


  • SUBLIME TEXT: resolves issues parsing Summer '14 Tooling API responses
  • SUBLIME TEXT: slight tweaks to labeling
  • SUBLIME TEXT: slight tweaks to labeling
  • mm: Summer '14 Tooling API fixes
  • mm: deploy compare
  • mm: make mm smarter about org metadata
  • mm: new setting: mm_compare_before_deployment
  • mm: new setting: mm_skip_legacy_check

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.5.0


  • Resolves issue where legacy check prevented server diff resolution from completing.

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.9


  • Resolves issue preventing VF Page creation after 3.4.8 release

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.8 and v0.38.4


  • SUBLIME TEXT: now supports project-specific settings
  • SUBLIME TEXT: enhanced org coverage report
  • SUBLIME TEXT: exposes mm_timeout setting
  • SUBLIME TEXT: show coverage command now highlights uncovered lines
  • SUBLIME TEXT: adds hide_coverage command to clear coverage indicators
  • SUBLIME TEXT: adds exceptions to scrubbed logs
  • SUBLIME TEXT: better result handling
  • SUBLIME TEXT: adds run all tests (beta)
  • mm: supports 30.0 of the API
  • mm: adds support for project-specific settings (ST only)
  • mm: adds support for new templating functionality (see
  • mm: implements better timeout support via mm_timeout setting
  • mm: resolves issue where MavensMate could enter infinite compile loop, rapidly consuming API calls (thanks @ralphcallaway)
  • mm: resolves issue where debug categories were not always properly sent during stack trace creation

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.7


  • Adds lines covered and low coverage indicator (!!) to org coverage report
  • Adds "Scrub Log" command which filters debug log to only user debug statements for readability

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.6 and v0.38.3


  • Resolves regression causing Custom Object metadata to not be indexed

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.5 and v0.38.2


  • Saves API call by caching Apex ID/Name mapping during request
  • Adds mm_http_proxy and mm_https_proxy settings to Sublime Text and necessary hooks in mm to implement them during REST calls
  • mm now has the ability to run its own UI server, which is important for future plugin clients (Atom.IO, Emacs, Brackets, etc.)
  • Symbol table indexing now breaks requests into groups of max 20 Apex classes to avoid bad requests/timeouts
  • Describe information is now cached during the request lifecycle to ensure a single describe API call is made
  • When the user updates creds, metadata container will be reset to ensure changing a project's org target does not break the project
  • Adds "Portal" to default metadata
  • SUBLIME TEXT: more prominently displays "List Fields for Object..." command
  • SUBLIME TEXT: adds picklist parsing to "List Fields for Object..." command
  • SUBLIME TEXT: adds proxy setting support
  • SUBLIME TEXT: adds command to show Sublime Text debug panel
  • WINDOWS/LINUX: updates script to ensure install does not break due to git-version-specific hiccup

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.4


  • Adds prompt for out-of-date users.

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.3 and v0.38.1

IMPORTANT FOR OSX USERS: You may need to manually download and replace from, because the digital signature of the 0.38.0 release has adversely affected the "check for updates" functionality.


  • Adds ability to right-click the Apex Class name in the sidebar to refresh the symbol table


  • Uses legacy fallback for users hitting MaxRetry issues when trying to index the project symbol tables
  • Resolves an issue where an invalid MetadataContainer borked compiles
  • Defaults to the legacy unit testing UI until some newly uncovered issues can be resolved
  • Resolves an issue where some users were unable to get generic Salesforce completions for things like Custom Objects
  • Lots of stability fixes

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.1 & v3.4.2


MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.4.0 & v0.38.0


  • Adds several coverage-related commands (coverage for class, org-wide coverage, coverage report for all Apex Classes in a project)
  • Adds command to list fields on an object
  • Better synxtax highlighting in Sublime Text
  • Better symbol table support
  • Better response handling and command response printing in Sublime Text
  • Running tests now updates code coverage statistics in the org
  • Debug logs from unit tests are now placed in project's debug directory grouped by Apex Class
  • Slight improvements to testing UI
  • Adds Galaga, Quake, and Street Fighter games to arcade


  • Resolves issue where certain folder-based metadata crashes MavensMate commands
  • Resolves issue where in certain situations, users were unable to create a MavensMate project from a clone git repo

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.3.0

IMPORTANT: Sublime Text may complain about not being able to load a syntax file for any files opened before updating to v3.3.0. This is a known Sublime Text issue. Simply close the file and re-open to clear the error.


  • Introduces mm_template_source and mm_template_location settings to enable easier template development (full documentation forthcoming)
  • Project structure revised a bit to make it easier to understand as a developer
  • New Command: "Reset Metadata Container", which is especially helpful when caught in a Tooling API pickle
  • Apex.tmLanguage better handles SOQL syntax highlighting
  • MavensMate panel now boasts prettier colors and better readability
  • Logging now uses RotatingFileHandler
  • Logging now in place for UI operations - mmui.log


  • Removes a bit of confusion re: MavensMate Diff Viewer
  • Resolves an issue where a valid Apex Class displayed a disabled "Run Apex Tests for This Class" command

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v.3.3.5


  • Further code assist enhancements


  • Resolves a logging issue certain Windows/Linux users encountered.

MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 v3.3.0

IMPORTANT: Sublime Text may complain about not being able to load a syntax file for any tabs opened before updating to v3.3.0. This is a known Sublime Text issue. Simply close the file and re-open to clear the error.


  • Introduces mm_template_source and mm_template_location settings to enable easier template development (
  • Project structure revised a bit to make it easier to understand as a developer
  • New Command: "Reset Metadata Container", which is especially helpful when caught in a Tooling API pickle
  • Apex.tmLanguage better handles SOQL syntax highlighting
  • MavensMate panel now boasts prettier colors and better readability
  • Logging now uses RotatingFileHandler
  • Logging now in place for UI operations - mmui.log


  • Removes a bit of confusion re: MavensMate Diff Viewer
  • Resolves an issue where a valid Apex Class displayed a disabled "Run Apex Tests for This Class" command Version 0.37.0 (OSX-only) and mm command line tool


  • Template development can now be peformed locally (see documentation on
  • Logs are now created with a .log file extension instead of .json
  • Exposes "Reset Metadata Container" command which can clear confusing errors generated by the Tooling API
  • Command line tool now assumes first parameter is command (
    mm compile_project
    mm -o compile_project
    will both work)
  • Test suite continues to improve (see test/
  • Stdout is now redirected throughout the command, cutting risk of inadvertent prints mucking up JSON result parsing
  • Log files are split into 5 files, and now have a maximum size to prevent bloating
  • Introduction of mm_osx_plugin_client_app_name setting because Sublime Text can't commit to an app name


  • Minor style fixes for Windows/Linux users
  • Select all folder-based metadata now works properly
  • Various other fixes Version 0.36.0


  • Resolves compile project issue (project was compiling but returning incorrect error message)
  • Handles situation where cached .session information conflicts with mm_api_version causing unintended behavior Version 0.35.9


  • Resolves issue where mismatched mm_api_version and .session causes problems Version 0.35.8


  • Enables support for version 29.0 of the APIs
  • Adds local store functionality to enable better server sync
  • Adds local proxy support to the requests modules
  • Modifies coverage UI colors in Apex Test Runner, which helps better differentiate between covered/uncovered lines
  • Deployment UX enhancements
  • Unit Test UI tweaks


  • Resolves an issue where plugin client's mm_api_version was not being respected
  • Updates ace editor which resolves execute anonymous cursor issue Version 0.35.7


  • Adds "View" button to Visualforce items identified in Project Health Check


  • Handles an encoding issue affecting some debug logs
  • Handles an issue where API versions set as integer in settings blows up API connection Version 0.35.6


  • Better code assist support via Tooling API
  • New "Apex Scripts" functionality allows you to create and run named Apex scripts directly from the editor Version 0.35.5

This is a major release, so updating is recommended (be sure to update both and MM for ST3 plugin)


  • mm_workspace now supports the ability to be set as an array, allowing you to specify multiple possible locations for your projects (see default settings for new setting format)
  • You can now set a "Custom URL" for your project during creation (
  • Project Health Check can now open the offending items in Sublime Text by clicking the "View" button
  • Adds debug logs to deployment result UI
  • Adds local templates in case GitHub goes down
  • Better "test selector" UI/UX in the Apex test runner


  • Refreshing from "src" directory now works properly
  • Resolves issue some Linux/Windows users were experiencing where invalid characters were being displayed in the "execute apex" UI
  • MavensMate panel in Sublime Text now properly scrolls down on metadata api compile errors (shoutout to @tehnrd)
  • Various other minor bug fixes Version 0.35.4

Rundown of changes/fixes/improvements

  • Visualforce is now included in the Project Health Check (beta) Version 0.35.3

Rundown of changes/fixes/improvements

  • Resolves issue where certain OSX users could not refresh metadata from Version 0.35.2


VERSIONS 0.35+ of are intended for use with Sublime Text 3 ONLY

Rundown of changes/fixes/improvements

  • Run asynchronous apex unit tests for a particular Apex Class within your text editor
  • Resolves autocomplete issues that would cause the text editor to freeze
  • Fixes a bug where top-level metadata folders with a single child were ignored
  • Fixes an issue with bad metadata containers related to the Tooling API
  • Adds Project Health Check (beta) functionality (Java must be installed)
  • Prettify some aspects of the UI
  • Fixes pesky Person Account issue when indexing metadata
  • Better exception handling
  • Resolves issue where MavensMate was not properly reading user settings
  • Lots of work to make codebase cross-platform Version 0.35.1


VERSIONS 0.35+ of are intended for use with Sublime Text 3 ONLY

Rundown of changes/fixes/improvements

  • Fixes an issue where non-ASCII character(s) in an Apex or Visualforce file blows up the server conflict check
  • Removes Sublime Text 2 plugin panel from
  • Resolves issue #64 where Sublime cannot be found during project creation Version 0.35

Versions 0.35+ of are intended for use with Sublime Text 3 ONLY. Given that Sublime Text 3 plugins require Python 3, all MavensMate for Sublime Text plugin development moving forward will be focused on Sublime Text 3. To download Sublime Text 3, click here. Sublime Text 3 is markedly faster and more stable than Sublime Text 2 and we think you'll agree that MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 is the best plugin we've released.

Once you download, be sure to update the MavensMate for Sublime Text 3 plugin from the "Plugins" menu.

Rundown of changes/fixes/improvements

  • Awesome new website with easy-to-use documentation:
  • Compile multiple Apex metadata types at once with the Tooling API
  • Create debug logs from MavensMate
  • Create/delete Apex checkpoints (heap dumps) for Apex Classes and Triggers
  • Fetch Apex logs and checkpoints to your project (stored in the project's "debug" directory)
  • Better metadata tree, including optimized, server-side search and filter
  • Much improved Apex code assist
  • Visualforce code assist (this is awesome)
  • Metadata subscription to cut down on the long index times in large orgs
  • Server diff and merge on compile conflict (also awesome)
  • Debug panel in Sublime Text 3 is much, much better.