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mm is the executable that powers MavensMate IDEs. You can use mm to perform every important task relative to developing on the platform. For example, to compile a project:

$ mm -o compile_project

You can also use mm to provide a default UI for tasks like creating a new project, editing a project, running unit tests & anonymous apex, & deploying metadata to servers. Just use the --ui flag:

$ mm -o new_project --ui

In order to provide context to your operation, pipe json to mm via STDIN. For example:

$ mm -o compile_project <<< '{ "project_name" : "myproject" }'

Command Line Arguments

-oRequested Operation
-cPlugin client making the request ("Sublime Text" [default], "TextMate", "Notepad++", etc.)
--uiLaunch the base UI for the operations

Supported Operations

new_projectCreates a new project
edit_projectEdits contents of a project
upgrade_projectUpgrades a project
compile_projectCompiles a project
new_metadataCreates new metadata
refreshRefreshes files and/or directories from the server
clean_projectReverts a project to server state based on package.xml
compileCompiles files and/or directories
deleteDeletes metadata from the server
get_active_sessionRetrieves an active session
update_credentialsUpdates the credentials associated with a project
execute_apexExecutes a block of Apex
deployDeploys metadata to one or more destination orgs
testRuns Apex unit tests
list_metadataLists metadata of a certain type
index_metadataIndexes project metadata
list_connectionsList org connections for this project
new_connectionCreates a new org connection
delete_connectionDeletes an org connection
index_apex_overlaysIndexes Apex checkpoints
new_apex_overlayCreates a new Apex checkpoint
delete_apex_overlayDeletes an Apex checkpoint
fetch_logsFetches most recent Apex debug logs for this user
fetch_checkpointsFetches most recent Apex checkpoints for this user
new_project_from_existing_directoryCreates a new project from an existing directory
open_sfdc_urlOpens metadata in Salesforce
index_apexIndexes Apex metadata for a project
update_subscriptionUpdates metadata subscription for a project
new_logCreates a new Apex debug log