
MavensMate community,

After an amazing run, I have decided to end development and support of MavensMate. Since I sat down to write those first Ruby scripts that let me build Salesforce applications using TextMate, the goal has always been to make it easy and fun to build Salesforce applications, regardless of one’s platform or text editor. And of course I was determined to make MavensMate a 100% free and open source endeavor – hoping that whatever we ended up writing might teach someone about the Salesforce Metadata API or how to write a Sublime Text plugin or how to build a cross-platform Electron app and perhaps even inspire them to start an open source project of their own.

I learned so much along the way. I learned that I wrote really bad Python. I learned how hard it is to make a cross-platform desktop application. I learned how supportive the open source community can be. I learned what it felt like to push a bug to production when people use your app to build mission-critical software. I learned how generous people can be with their time and energy. And, I learned how fulfilling it can be when you build something that people use.

It has been such a joy to interact with this community – the Salesforce community and the MavensMate community – over the last 6 years and I want to thank everyone who submitted pull requests, logged issues, answered questions, showed up to the meetups, and bought me beers along the way.

I want to specifically thank contributors like David Helmer, Ralph Callaway, Charlie Jonas, Kyle Thornton, Paul Battisson, Justin Silver, and everyone who submitted templates to the MavensMate-Templates project.

I’m sure some are wondering, "why now?". The past year has been one of the most challenging of my life: from becoming a first-time father to losing my best friend to cancer much, much too early. I simply have not had the time to properly devote to this project. And with the recent beta release of Salesforce’s official Visual Studio Code Extension, the Salesforce developer community is in great hands.

I’m looking forward to seeing many familiar faces at Dreamforce this year. If enough people are interested, perhaps we can get together in San Francisco for a little MavensMate send-off.

In the meantime, I’m thinking about my next open source project. I hope whatever it is, it’s 10% as fulfilling as the last 6 years have been.

Thank you!

- Joe